
A Taste of Costa Rican Fruits

Costa Rican fruits are a true highlight of any visit. Let's explore the most popular and unique fruits of Costa Rica that you must try.

When you think of Costa Rica, you probably picture lush rainforests and pristine beaches. But the true essence of this Central American paradise also lies in its incredible variety of tropical fruits. Costa Rican fruits aren’t just a treat for the taste buds—they offer a cultural experience that reflects the country’s rich biodiversity. Whether you’re planning a trip to Costa Rica or simply curious about tropical fruits, you’re in for a delightful journey through the flavors of this beautiful country.

What fruits grow in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica’s tropical climate allows a vast array of fruits to thrive. The fruits in Costa Rica range from familiar to exotic, offering something for every palate. Whether you’re enjoying a juicy pineapple on the beach or savoring the sweet flesh of a mango, Costa Rican fruits are a true highlight of any visit. Let’s explore some of the most popular and unique fruits you must try in Costa Rica.

Top Costa Rican Fruits You Must Try


Costa Rica is the world’s largest exporter of pineapples, known for their incredible sweetness and juiciness. People in Costa Rica enjoy pineapple in various ways—blended in smoothies, mixed into cocktails like Piña Coladas, or added to fruit salads at breakfast. This tropical fruit is rich in vitamin C, manganese, and enzymes that aid digestion. Pineapple also boosts immunity and delivers impressive some impressive health benefits.

Photo of Pineapple a costa rican fruit


As the world’s third-largest exporter of bananas, Costa Rica plays a vital role in this global industry. The main destination of Bananas exports from Costa Rica are: United States, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy, and Belgium.

Bananas are a staple in Costa Rican agriculture and one of the most common fruits in the country. People enjoy them fresh and add them to smoothies. Thanks to the country’s fertile soil and ideal growing conditions, bananas in Costa Rica are particularly flavorful.

These fruits are packed with essential nutrients. They also contain various antioxidants and phytonutrients that benefit weight loss, digestion, and heart health.

  • potassium
  • vitamin B6
  • vitamin C
  • various antioxidants and phytonutrients
Photo of bananas a costa rican fruit

Passion Fruit

Costa Rica offers two main varieties of passion fruit: maracuyá and granadilla. Both are bursting with flavor and frequently used in juices and desserts. Maracuyá has vibrant orange pulp, while granadilla offers a lighter, almost transparent filling. These tropical fruits are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

Passion fruits provide your body with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and folate. These nutrients boost the health of your kidneys, nerves, muscles, and heart.

Photo of passionfruits a costa rican fruit

Sour Guava (Cas)

Cas, or sour guava, is a small fruit with a tart flavor, often enjoyed as a juice in Costa Rica. Its citrusy taste makes it a popular choice for refreshing drinks, and you’ll commonly find it at local markets. Rich in vitamin C, this unique fruit of Costa Rica is a must-try for anyone who enjoys tangy flavors.

Sour guava offers more vitamin C than oranges and is rich in other antioxidants. It has numerous health benefits, making it a fantastic addition to your diet.

Starfruit (Carambola)

Carambola, or starfruit, gets its name from its star-shaped cross-sections. This visually stunning fruit is also delicious and often used to garnish dishes or made into a refreshing juice. Its tart flavor pairs well with both sweet and savory foods.

The high levels of antioxidants in starfruit make it a good anti-inflammatory , helping to relieve symptoms of psoriasis and dermatitis. The fiber in carambola can also speed up your metabolism and help you feel fuller longer, promoting weight loss.

Peach Palm Fruit (Pejibaye)

Pejibaye is a versatile fruit used in both sweet and savory dishes in Costa Rica. Often boiled and served with mayonnaise or sour cream, this tropical fruit is also a staple at the annual Pejibaye Festival. Every October, the sleepy village of Tucurrique comes alive with thousands of visitors to celebrate this unique fruit.


Costa Rica offers two varieties of mangoes. “Mangas” are the larger, rounder fruits, with smooth skin that can be red, yellow, or green. They are about the size of a bocce ball and are best when the skin is just slightly soft to the touch. On the other hand, “Mangos” are smaller, about the size of a tennis ball, with firmer skin and a more fibrous interior compared to mangas.

Both mangas and mangos are packed with antioxidants that reduce stress and may aid in combating obesity. The fiber in these fruits supports digestive health, helping with both constipation and diarrhea. Additionally, mangoes are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as potassium, all of which contribute to heart health and benefit the hair, skin, and eyes.

Mangos are incredibly popular in Costa Rica, where people enjoy them in various ways. Whether eaten fresh, added to smoothies, or served with salt, lime, and Salsa Lizano, mangos are a beloved fruit you shouldn’t miss.

Photo of Mango a costa rican fruit

Coconuts (Cocos)

Coconuts are another tropical staple in Costa Rica. The water from young coconuts, known as pipa fría, serves as a refreshing drink perfect for staying hydrated in the heat. The flesh of mature coconuts is used in a variety of dishes, from desserts to savory recipes.

Most of the benefits of coconut water come from its high levels of electrolytes like potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These essential minerals play crucial roles in maintaining your body’s hydration and overall health.


Cacao is not just the source of chocolate but also a significant part of Costa Rican culture. The cacao fruit itself is filled with sweet pulp and seeds that can be eaten raw. Whether you enjoy it as chocolate or in its natural form, cacao is a Costa Rican fruit with a rich history.

Cacao vs. cocoa

Cacao is the fruit in its raw form before it’s ever processed. Cocoa is usually a powder made from cacao that you bake with. It’s flavor isn’t as bitter as raw cacao, but it has more sugar.

Its great source of health benefits and has been proved by many cacao takers to nourish our physical and energetic bodies. This fruit is a great method for helping you deeply connect with your inner self and others by opening your heart. People living with anxiety and fears find more joy and love by using cacao more often.

Photo of cacao a costa rican fruit

Soursop (Guanábana)

Guanábana, or soursop, is a large, spiky fruit with creamy flesh that combines the flavors of mango, strawberry, and pineapple. It’s often used in juices, sorbets, and desserts. This costa rican tropical fruit is high in vitamin C, an antioxidant known to boost immune health. Is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients, making it a popular choice for those looking to boost their health.

Its scientific name is Annona muricata, in Costa Rica is called Guanabana, but it’s also named paw-paw, sirsak, and graviola in other parts of the world.

Photo of Soursop a costa rican fruit

Costa Rica Fruit Season

Understanding Costa Rica fruit seasons can enhance your culinary experience during your visit. For example, mangos are typically at their peak from May to August, while starfruit and passionfruit are more common from December to February. Knowing what fruits grow in Costa Rica and when they’re available will help you make the most of your tasting adventures.

Health Benefits of Costa Rican Fruits

Tropical fruits in Costa Rica not only delight the senses but also pack a powerful nutritional punch. Native fruits like guava, soursop, and passionfruit brim with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, actively supporting your overall health, boosting your immune system, and promoting good digestion. By incorporating these vibrant Costa Rican fruits into your diet, you’ll enjoy a delicious fusion of flavor and health benefits.

How to Enjoy Costa Rican Fruits During Your Visit?

You can enjoy Costa Rican fruits in countless ways. Visit a local farmer’s market, dine at a beachside restaurant, or snack on fresh fruit by the pool to discover the wide variety of fruits Costa Rica offers. Savor them fresh, blend them into smoothies, or incorporate them into traditional Costa Rican dishes to fully immerse yourself in the vibrant flavors of this country.

The Best of Costa Rican Fruits

Exploring Costa Rican fruits is a true highlight of any visit to this beautiful country. With such a diverse selection of fruits in Costa Rica, there’s always something new to try. Whether you’re savoring a juicy pineapple, enjoying the tartness of starfruit, or indulging in the creamy sweetness of guanábana, each fruit offers a unique taste of Costa Rica’s natural bounty.

So, when planning your trip, make sure to include a tasting tour of the vibrant and flavorful fruits Costa Rica has to offer.

Enjoy Costa Rican Fruits at The Castle of Oz

At The Castle of Oz, we offer more than just a luxurious stay—we provide an authentic taste of Costa Rica’s rich and vibrant fruit offerings. Whether you’re planning a destination wedding, a corporate event, or simply enjoying a vacation retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to savor these incredible tropical fruits right from the source.

From the sweet and juicy mangoes to the unique flavors of starfruit and passion fruit, every bite is a celebration of the natural abundance that Costa Rica has to offer. Let us make your experience unforgettable, not just through breathtaking views and exceptional service, but by connecting you with the true essence of Costa Rican culture through its delicious fruits.

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